Uncovering the Varied Experiences of Women Leaders in Eastern Missouri

The Girl Scouts Women's Leadership Network provides a platform for female leaders to support each other on their leadership journeys as they work with Girl Scouts to mentor and motivate future generations. Learn more about how trust in female leaders has declined.

Uncovering the Varied Experiences of Women Leaders in Eastern Missouri

The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Women's Leadership Network (WLN) is a platform for women to support each other on their leadership journeys as they work with Girl Scouts to mentor and motivate the next generation of female leaders. The WLN provides programs, events, and volunteer opportunities to connect women to each other and to Girl Scouts. Membership is free and open to all adults. Though many people feel discouraged, academics and experts on leadership and gender are not shocked by research results and have different theories about why trust in women leaders has decreased. Everyone warns that correcting the trust gap is essential to eradicate the prejudices that exist at all levels of companies and institutions.

As the number of women advancing up the ladder increases, experts believe it is reasonable to anticipate more criticism for their personal flaws. Take for example the media attention surrounding the disgraced founder of Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, who was recently jailed for deceiving the public about the effectiveness of her blood testing technology. Some commentators have questioned why other CEOs of technology startups accused of having committed a crime have not received similar treatment; on the other hand, female entrepreneurs say they have to prove to investors that they are not like her. Biographies of famous women have been commonplace since the 19th century, but because of the enthusiasm surrounding the rediscovery of women's history in the 1960s and 1970s and the rise of social history, biographies of well-known or influential women were rare. In contrast, African-American and other women of color were viewed primarily on the basis of their race, excluding factors such as class and gender. Kellie Ann Coats, executive director of the Missouri Women's Council, an agency of the Department of Economic Development, said this historic anniversary is important for all women, particularly in the state capital.

Peters is part of the first time that both the Missouri Democratic and Republican Parties have female presidents and chief executives. State Senator But Swan also said that women in leadership roles, from executive roles to policy-making roles, have a great responsibility because “we have made great progress in the last many, many years”.In the early days of women's history, inspired largely by the growth of social history, most attention was focused on the lives of ordinary women, and political elites or prominent women were given a lower priority. One of the greatest accomplishments in women's history over the past three decades has been the extensive documentation of the contours of African-American women's history. Gender identities are understood as politicized identities that men and women seek to enact or reform in specific historical contexts. Partly as a consequence of moving beyond the paradigm of separate spheres, historians began to recognize that women had been much more involved in public life than previously suspected.

As historians document the extensive contact that American women's groups maintained with similar organizations across national boundaries, they demonstrate a direction that women's history is likely to take in the future. A multicultural approach, one that acknowledges difference and diversity in women's experiences, is also at the core of contemporary studies on women and gender. The history of women itself has a history that has impacted the development of this field, what questions were asked at different times, and how this field interacted with broader aspects of American history overall. In this introductory essay, Ware traces the evolution and current state of this field of women's history, highlights major research topics and academic concepts, and describes her own research experiences identifying and using materials related to women's history in various divisions of The Library Of Congress.